Penn Emblem Win’s Churchill Safety Award 2021

Penn Emblem Company’s Mira Loma location was recently recognized and awarded the annual Churchill Casualty Ltd. 2021 Safety Achievement Award for outstanding achievement in safety and loss control. For the 2021 Awards in the Industry Category “Manufacturing (<250 FTE)”, Penn Emblem was honored to receive the award as the top scoring member. This is Penn Emblem Mira Loma’s 4th time winning the award and their highest scoring year yet. The award is based on various safety factors, accident claim times, and multiple plant visits for evaluation. Penn Emblem President, Randi Blumenthal-Joseph believes, “the protocol and measures taken in the safety of our people and facilities has always been a top priority, but the accomplishment of this specific award is rooted in the dedication and responsibility of the workers who hold each other accountable on a daily basis.”
Churchill Casualty Ltd. is a member-owned, diverse group located in the Cayman Islands, created from the need of businesses to obtain insurance coverage at a more affordable cost. The founding members of Churchill perceived that the commercial insurance industry was not responsive to this basic business necessity.
Penn Emblem prides itself on a variety of sustainability and sanitation protocols to always keep employees and customers safe. When the world changed due to COVID-19, the office and plants underwent additional safety changes to ensure that business could continue as usual in the safest manner possible. The office consistently recycles reusable textiles, utilizes energy efficient lighting, and minimizes paper as much as possible. During the pandemic, risk management became an intensified standard operating procedure within Penn Emblem. The multiple plants increased sanitation protocols, masks are always worn, and strict authorized personnel only policies were implemented. On a day-to-day basis, energy efficient lighting is cast over the workspace, solvent-free ink printing systems are utilized, and an air-dry silkscreen process is used as well. Penn Emblem is cautious about the carbon footprint they leave behind and plans to continue these measures and more.
Annual safety meetings are held to remind employees about internal safety protocols during emergency situations as well as to teach best practices for office and desk etiquette to keep surrounding employees safe from hazards. In addition, new hires are sent a safety PowerPoint to be made aware of internal safety policies upon starting at Penn Emblem. “It’s been great working with the Churchill Captive, I’ve Learned so much over the years and continue to learn. I am thankful our company owner, my HR Director and the Executive management encourage our manufacturing leadership to make safety a top priority. Our Safety program would not be successful without everyone’s support,” says Mira Loma’s Human Resource Manager, Miranda Garcia, who has played an essential part in the coordinating and integrating of this new initiative in California.
Penn Emblem thanks the Human Resources Department for all the work they do to maintain such safety protocols and educational resources. With the world adapting to environmentally friendly alternatives more each day, Penn Emblem is excited to continuously advance in sustainability and to make the office, plants, and products safer for employees and customers.
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