Custom Emblem Border Options

    blog - Custom Emblem Border Options

    Enhance the overall look and feel of your emblem by choosing a border that matches your brand and style. Penn Emblem Company offers a variety of unique border options to match the look and feel of your brand. If you have any further questions about Penn Emblem’s custom emblem border options, email our Customer Support Team at


    custom emblem border patch merrow border
    Merrow Border

    The most common border option, Merrow Borders utilize special threads that are applied to the edge of the emblem and wrapped around the fabric.

    Merrow borders can only be used on regular shapes (circles, squares, rectangles, etc.)

    Satin Stitched Border

    Thinner than a merrow border, Satin Stitched Borders are a normal satin stitch embroidered on top of the emblem. This border does not wrap around the emblem’s fabric. These Stitch Borders are about 1/8” in thickness.


    Satin Stitched Mini Border

    Similar to the Satin Stitched Border, normal satin stitch embroidered on top of a patch, this border does not wrap around the emblem’s fabric. These Stitch Borders are about 1/16” in thickness.

    Ink Border

    It’s all in the artwork! An Ink or Printed Border is a is applied to the edge of the fabric for a seamless finish. Perfect for Screen Printed or Sublimated emblems.

    Zig Zag Border
    Zig Zag borders are directly embroidered over top of multiple layers of fabric onto garments to simulate the look of Direct Embroidery. Simulated Zig Zag borders can also be added to Woven Emblems.


    Zig Zag Border
    Rita Leybelman
    Created On May 16, 2018 by Rita Leybelman

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