Penn Emblem Appreciation Day

At the end of each baseball season the Phillies have a Fan Appreciation Day where the team thanks the fans for supporting them all season long. It is a nice way to wrap up the season.
This week Penn Emblem had a companywide sales meeting. There were schedules to juggle, logistical issues to deal with, technical nightmares to resolve, presentations to perfect, and public speaking jitters to overcome.
Fortunately for me there was not a lot of actual work for me to do
so it gave me the opportunity to step back and watch the events as they unfolded before my eyes.
What I saw was awesome teamwork, genuine camaraderie, true professionalism, and an abundance of talent.
While I thanked many of the people that made the meeting so successful I may have missed a few so this is my formal shout out of appreciation to all of the people at Penn Emblem that made this week a huge success. It is also a shout out of appreciation to all of those people that make Penn Emblem a huge success every day of the year. Thanks for being a part of our company, of our family.
We don’t always take time to stop and smell the roses. Similarly we don’t always take time to stop and say thanks or show some form of appreciation to the important people in our lives. Take a few minutes today to show someone that you appreciate who they are and how wonderful your life is because of them.
I’ll let you be the judge. I would love to hear your comments.
“Everyone wants to be appreciated, so if you appreciate someone, don’t keep it a secret.” – Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics
Steve O’Grady