Penn Emblem Donates 6,000 Masks to Schools

Penn Emblem Company (Philadelphia, PA), a 73-year-old textile manufacturing and brand decoration company, was forced to pivot abruptly in March 2020 along with the rest of the world due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While non-essential businesses were shut down, Penn Emblem’s main responsibility was to serve their essential customers with products that they could deliver to life sustaining industries such as hospitals, grocery stores, and factories. In addition, it quickly became apparent that Penn Emblem would need to shift gears again as the need for masks rose staggeringly. Reusable, adjustable masks and standard, disposable masks became the newest products to be sold by Penn Emblem, to offer aid during the pandemic. With businesses closed, graduations cancelled, and school years derailed, providing a safe environment for children to go back to school in the fall was vital.
Penn Emblem donated masks, to the students, families and faculties of Paul Robeson Charter School in Trenton, NJ, and Young Scholars Charter School in Philadelphia, PA. Both schools enroll traditionally underserved low-income students. Their mission is to provide an education that challenges, inspires, and prepares less fortunate students for college and beyond through a committed community, thoughtful experiences, and teaches a strong culture. PCRS and YCSC Executive Director, John Amenda says that among other things, these schools assist students in becoming, “lifelong learners and tomorrow’s leaders.” Penn Emblem is proud to participate in the creation of a safe educational environment for our future scientists, nurses and engineers. We were blessed to have the equipment and the manpower to provide essential masks at such a critical time in our lives. Thankful and grateful”, says Penn Emblem president, Randi Blumenthal “All our children have seen the world change in a short period of time, if we could provide safety masks for the families and the less fortunate children, it’s one less thing for all to worry about.. ”
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