Donations Repurposed into Masks

Earlier this year, Penn Emblem collected a plethora of gently used towels, sheets and other garments to be donated to local crafters to aid the remaining, young wildlife following Australia’s bush fires. After the overwhelming response Australia wildlife organizations received from generous crafters around the world, they halted production and shipments. With the left-over donated items from Penn Emblem, local partner crafters started using the donated material to instead create face masks for healthcare workers amidst the coronavirus, COVID-19. So far, 20 masks have been created and donated to local Capital Health workers in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. This is the first of Penn Emblem’s efforts in assisting with the safety mask shortage following COVID-19. Currently, they are beginning production of 100% cotton, washable and reusable face masks for sale. In addition, there are charity initiatives in the works.