I Am Thankful

Thanksgiving is just a few days away. Menus have been prepared. Turkeys have been purchased. Pies have been baked. Travel plans have been made. With all the excitement surrounding the holiday it is always a special time of year to reflect on what you are thankful for.

Fortunately I am thankful for so many things. I am thankful for my job and the people that work hard every day to make this company a success. I am thankful for my parents and the foundation that they provided me. I am thankful for my childhood and the memories Once a year, the elegance of a fundraiser meets the energy of a middle online school at Citizen Schools&#8217 gala A WOW! Affair. that came from it. I am thankful for my two wonderful sons and a brand new daughter-in-law. Most of all I am thankful for my wife, Suzanne, for choosing me to

Click here to check out the updated schedule of upcoming online pokies tournaments! To add some spice into the mix, Australian tournaments on online pokies machines come in a wide variety of flavors.

It does not matter who you are or what your life story is there must be at least one thing you are thankful for. Most of us are blessed enough to be thankful for more than one thing. Don’t focus on the glass being half empty, or what your neighbors have, or what is missing in your life. Focus on what you do have and be thankful for it.

I’ll let you be the judge. I would love to hear your comments.

Steve O’Grady

Great Expectations

January is coming to a close and many of us have already broken our New Year’s resolutions. Take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. I don’t know how many resolutions are made each year or how many resolutions are broken by year’s end. I guess Google could provide me with the answers but that’s not the point of this blog.inflatable toys australia

My theory is that many resolutions are broken because we set our great expectations too high. I started blogging a year ago and thought that it would be a piece of cake to do. On January 16, 2013 I even posted: “I didn’t think it would be that difficult to write something once or twice a week.” My posting frequency decreased significantly as the year went on. I had never blogged before and clearly set my expectations too high.

Even though I did not achieve the blogging success that I anticipated, I look back on the past year and take comfort in the fact that I tried something new. I take pride in the fact that I wrote with feeling and passion when I did it. I wrote to inspire and to make a difference. I don’t know if I achieved that goal or not but that’s for the readers to decide not me.

I will continue to blog but I have set my expectation at a more reasonable level. If your resolutions are already broken don’t give up just yet. Think about resetting your expectations and continue on.

I would love to hear your comments.

Steve O’Grady

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but rising every time we fall.” – Confucius

Creative Flow

No matter what you do in your career or vocation, every one of us has had multiple instances of being stuck. Searching for ideas or solutions, or facing a problem with hands on hips as if a snow white dove will miraculously appear and drop the solution into your empty head.  If you go to Google and type in the words “creative, juices, flowing”, you get will close to two million results that tell you the same things: everything from “take a walk” to “read a book” to “clean your desk” to “”take a shower”… all wonderful suggestions yielding short term results.

Scientists have recently discovered where human imagination comes from, and how we have the ability to think creatively. Researchers say our skill to create, invent and think scientifically comes from a neural network which spreads across a large area of the brain. The findings describe the network as ‘the brain’s ‘mental workspace’” where a person is able to manipulate images, ideas or theories which allows them to focus and come up with even more new ideas.

Lead author of the study Alex Schlegel, a graduate student at the Dartmouth College Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, said, “Our findings move us closer to understanding how the organization of our brains sets us apart from other species and provides such a rich internal playground for us to think freely and creatively.”

This is the point that I interject that I am not a scientist. And I didn’t stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night either.

But it seems like a pretty easy leap. If something as simple as a single human thought thrives in a larger space with multiple options and environments, wouldn’t a complicated individual such as myself achieve clarity in similar conditions? Easy answer…

I sometimes joke during the winter months that because I start work early and leave late, I have to take other people’s word that the sun came up that day. But I’m fortunate to work for a company that encourages getting out of my windowless office for conferences and educational opportunities. Even if the content of that opportunity disappoints I get to venture beyond the walls and move freely. Maybe I get to interact with creative professionals, or simply breathe the fresh air. Any break from the “same old, same old” invigorates the mind.

However you do it, a change of atmosphere is good. Get out of your old space… play on the swings.

Source for quote: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/09/130916162003.htm

About the Author: John Langan is currently Business Services Manager of the ImprintsUSA division of Penn Emblem Company, but has worn many hats in his thirty plus years in the corporate identification business… from screen printer to graphic artist to customer service to marketing director.

Tips For Preparing For A Tradeshow

This year of tradeshows is coming to a close. You had a successful year of meeting, greeting and learning new ways to improve your business. As you pack up all of your material you may be wondering how you can improve next year and stand out from the crowd. Here are some tips that may help you find a way to improve on the old and bring new life to your tradeshow experience.

1) Have a checklist

Organization is key to a successful tradeshow year. Without a theme for your booth you will most likely be scrambling at the last minute, looking for things to help promote your image and products. A checklist can be vital in informing all employees in the tradeshow prep of their responsibilities and expectations for the show.

A checklist that has all items you would take to any tradeshow, large or small, can make the preparation process a lot quicker and more efficient. Each show is different, from theme to booth size, therefore whoever is in charge can easily mark what he/she is looking for to include in the booth to put your best foot forward.

2) Plan ahead of time

The earlier you start planning the better. Consider starting your new year planning at the beginning of the last quarter of the year. This will allow time to plan strategies for a theme, budget, and which shows the company will want to focus on. Once the strategies are planned out each individual will know where to focus attention and what needs to be accomplished ahead of time for a successful show.

The strategies can include any remodeling or designing of the booth, product focus and who is working the booth, based on your success of the prior year. Taking away the good and bad from each show allows for improvement on the following show which ultimately allows for a great success the following year. But this can’t be done without prep time.

3) Get a picture in your head

Picture what your booth will look like and what your goals will be. With a picture of what the company’s strengths and weaknesses are you can focus on expanding your expectations for the booth. It may be you didn’t have enough lighting or need new marketing materials or maybe your featured product is the new hot item on the market. Understanding these points of your booth will help you fill in the gaps for next year’s shows.

4) Set realistic goals and expectations for each tradeshow

What goals did you have for this tradeshow season? Was it to get leads? Make connections? Learn more about the industry?

Make realistic goals for yourself and the company. This means that based on the size of the tradeshow you want the goals to be easily obtainable for the whole company. But don’t stop at the simple goals, set larger ones for yourself and company as well. For instance, learning something new in the industry, networking or obtaining 10% more leads than the day before are all obtainable goals. So instead of 10% more leads make it 20% or 30% more. Challenging yourself will allow you to push beyond your limits and grow both as a company and individual.

5) Check and double check

Have you ever been to a tradeshow and realized you are suddenly missing something? Maybe it’s as small as a screwdriver or as big as the table that holds your product information. This is a great time to utilize your checklist from step 1. Once you know your vision for the booth, find a space within your company where you can have mock setup. This doesn’t mean having to take every piece out of the boxes, but it will allow you to focus your attention on each individual element along with the overall look. For instance, when you place the container holding the back drop in the area you are going to use it at the tradeshow think to yourself, what do I need to help set this up? If you need a screw driver or a wrench now is the time to remember and place it in the shipping container. But don’t forget to do this with the overall picture as well. Maybe you don’t realize that you need two separate literature stands vs. one until you step back and look at the overall look of your booth. Now is also a great time to get opinions from your employees and coworkers who will not be participating in the tradeshow.

6) Checking In

The show is done and you had great success with gathering leads and showing off your products. Now comes the time to pack everything up and head home. All the hard work you put into your tradeshow prep can become a headache when all of your material is received back at the office. To avoid unnecessary stress, take your checklist that you used to pack for the tradeshow and as you are unpacking your materials check off each item you brought back to assure that everything was shipped back and placed in their proper places. This will allow for you to easily pack it all up for the next show without having to spend time searching for it before the next tradeshow.

In conclusion, each step of planning for a tradeshow allows for growth and learning, but never forget to learn as much as you can about your customers and competitors; for they are your true teachers on bettering yourself and company in a competitive world.

Click to down load the PDF Version of the checklist.

Generic Check List

Being Thankful

Can you believe that it’s November 26th, hours away from sharing and celebrating one of America’s favorite family holidays, Thanksgiving. It’s my favorite holiday, filled with wonderful traditions: turkey, pumpkin pie, lighting a fire, and of course football. But the best tradition is spending quality time with family, friends and loved ones; reflecting on all that we have to be grateful for. Over the last several months I’ve come to realize that being thankful for things should not be limited to just one Thursday out of the year. It is something we need to focus on every single day because at the very least it will make us happier and better people.

I wanted to share a short story that occurred over lunch with one of my childhood friends a few weeks ago. We were catching up talking about life; where our careers have taken us, what each of our kids (one by one ) has been doing with their lives and what type of pets we now own. Lots of laughs and complaints, but we realized so much has changed since high school graduation and the different roads that we have both gone down.

After several hours of talking about life’s challenges and opportunities and just good fun catching up. As we talked my oldest childhood friend stopped me in mid-sentence “are you comparing yourself to where others are in their lives? You are complaining about things I don’t consider complaints; work is hard, kids are good, etc.” Being the history buff that she is, she kindly said, “let me tell you something Teddy Roosevelt once said, ‘Comparison is the thief of joy,’ Don’t focus on what you don’t have and what your friends do have. Spend your time focusing on where you are, what you do well, and who you are in this very moment. Be thankful for that.”

It was a perfect thing for me to hear, a reminder that things could always be worse. After hearing that I realized I needed to share it so others could be inspired by the same thoughts. I always thought I was thankful and grateful for everything I have and have accomplished as a mom, sister, wife and businesses woman, but this allowed me to think and focus on the things I can bring to the world to create the most positive impact and bring value to others.

I decided to write what I am thankful for today and every day.

· Family
· Friends
· Business
· Health
· Food
· Clothes
· Music
· Movies
· Books

And most importantly myself and the gift of what I can give to others. I remembered to be thankful and grateful for my short list because I realized there are millions of people who would love to do what I do every day and I am appreciative that I am able to do what I do. This is just a reminder to take one day at a time and remember to say “thanks,” show gratitude and be mindful to those we work with; our co-workers, our managers, our family and our friends.

So today and every day I thank you for keeping the lights on, for satisfying our customers and for the ability to celebrate our 68th year in business. And most importantly I thank you for being yourselves and bringing to the company something that only you can bring.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Randi Blumenthal-Joseph


What is a brand?

What leaves an impact on your customer at the end of the day to choose your product or service? The simplest answer is your brand.

A brand is a promise to the customer, telling them what to expect of your products and services that differentiates you from your competitors. Your brand allows for the customer to distinguish you out of a crowd by displaying who you are and what you stand for as a company with a clear image.

When a customer is faced with numerous brands everyday they must filter through thoughts and feelings to find the brand that is right for them. These thoughts and feelings can come from all different directions.  A memory, family tradition or even media influence cane sway the decision of purchasing one product over another.

One customer may rely on price while another may rely on emotions. Think about what comes to mind when you hear the names Pepsi and Coca-Cola, for example. Do you know your local store brand version of Pepsi and Coca-Cola? Most individuals don’t, but they do know the two distinct logos associated with Pepsi and Coca-Cola, these logos are the image of the soft drinks brand.

The red, white and blue logo for Pepsi and the classic white cursive lettering on the red background for Coca-Cola are the two mainstream logos that most customers think of when asked about Cola soft drinks. These companies are competitors on the market; each has their own fan following and distinct mark on the soft drink industry. The loyalty of a customer can be swayed by many influences that will dictate the customer choosing a specific brand over the other.

When removing price and taste from the buying decision, most customers rely on their emotions and memory of a brand. The logo is a piece of your brand, its purpose is to remind them of what they liked or disliked in their memory of a product. Your logo is the image of your brand. It’s the visual reminder of your brand and promise to the customer. You can think of it as a bookmark in their memory, as they sift through their thoughts and feelings of competitive companies when determining their purchasing habits, logos will stand out to them either good or bad.


Think back to your first kiss on a hot summer night or the winter you broke your arm skiing or the day you landed your dream job? A multitude of brands were all a part of these important days. Whether good or bad, the memory can be easily resurfaced when looking at a brand.

You may remember the drink that was packed in the cooler for the summer road trip or the warm coat you were wearing when you fell on the slopes. These are all memories of a brand that can help persuade the inclination to continue buying the product for the future.

As a company you can’t determine the memories and emotional aspects of each individual customer towards your brand. But by promoting your product like Coca-Cola does for camp-outs or like Pepsi does for sporting events, your customer has the beginning foundation to build the memories needed to become loyal to your product; all of which is what helps build your brand and your customer base.

3 Ways Embellished Uniforms Can Create Brand Awareness

Every company wants to differentiate themselves and their products from their competitors. Successful branding gives your company a competitive edge in any market and shows customers what your company represents. These brand connections can build long lasting relationships with consumers creating, healthy profits for corporations.

Image is a crucial part in branding and rings especially true in relation to employees. Employees are the face of your brand and are interacting with customers every day. Uniforms are a common workplace staple creating a cohesive appearance for employees. Ensuring that your brand is represented in these uniforms is essential in establishing awareness of your company.

Develops Brand Recognition

Appearance is the first thing customers see when entering a business and for those jobs that require workers to work outside of the business. A well embellished uniform can showcase a company’s logo and colors all while maintaining a professional image. High-Quality decorated uniforms can show off the prestige of a brand almost immediately, giving customers a positive association with their product.

Builds Trust with Your Customers

A decorated uniform can also create trust with consumers. If a customer receives good service from an employee wearing your logo a positive connection will be made to the company’s brand. Building trust with your customers is crucial to maintaining long lasting relationships. When clients see a company’s logo on a uniformed employee they know they can trust that product or service. With an embellished uniform, there is no question of legitimacy. This is especially important for fields that may need to work out of office such as plumbers and law enforcement officials.

Promotes Team Spirit Among Employees

While an employee wears a uniform they assume an important responsibility representing the organization. Giving employees a sense of importance encourages them to continue being team players. Sporting corporate colors can give a sense of belonging and equality. Embellishing uniforms allows employees to be proud of the logo on their chest.

Whether its building trust with customers or fostering team spirit, embellishing uniforms will help bring a company’s brand to the next level.


Penn Emblem Company is the leading provider of emblems, labels, transfers and various other decoration solutions. Find out how to start decorating your brand today by exploring our fully customizable emblem product line today, here.

3 Ways to Help Teams Get Ready for Game Day with Sublimation

Looking to expand and get your business connected to your community? Sublimation makes it easy to score with sports teams. With the versatility of blank imprintables, it’s easy to reach out to community sports teams and turn a bigger profit on these products. There are many ways that these items can be used to expand your business to a new and rewarding market.

I-U500 Two Sided Clipboard


Recognizing achievements is a significant part in team sports at any level. Whether it’s at an end-of-year banquet or a tournament, awards give teams a sense of accomplishment and a keepsake to remember their effort. Sublimatable awards can be customized with team, event, and player names with very little additional cost to the printer, making it easy to sell for a higher profit. There are a variety of different blank plaques to choose from, making it possible to reach a variety of different customers.


Many community and school sports teams need to find ways to raise money for trips, events and equipment. Water bottles, bag tags, t-shirts, and mugs are especially good for fundraising because they have practical use (why is practical use important for this?). Blank imprintables can be personalized to the team or school making their perceived value greater and making it easy for both teams and printers to easily make a profit.

Item#: I-4625
Bag Tag -3.5″ Round 2 Sided


Everyone likes to receive free stuff, especially to represent their favorite sports team or school. Team colors, logos, and messages can be printed onto product giveaways with full image reproduction for a low cost. Fans and players can enjoy these products all while increasing the team’s brand awareness. During games, teams can hold contests and give away sublimated imprintables as prizes. Inexpensive options include keychains, magnets, and buttons.

Introducing your business to the team sports industry is easy with sublimation. Reach a whole new audience and help your community sports teams and schools meet their fundraising and giveaway goals.

Everything you need to get started is available from ImprintsUSA, your one-stop-shop for blank imprintables and sublimation systems. Order your blank imprintables and sublimation systems from
www.ImprintsUSA.com, a subsidiary of Penn Emblem Company. Email Lynne Kaplan, the sublimation expert, for any questions or inquiries on how to be successful with sublimation.


Penn People – Barbara O’Brien

Barbara O’Brien, Senior Executive Administrative Assistant, has played a significant role at Penn Emblem Company for 30 years, bringing a plethora of valuable expertise to Penn Emblem every day. We interviewed Barbara O’Brien as part of our Penn People series, showcasing the many diverse employees that make up the Penn Emblem Family.

What are the positions that you have held at Penn Emblem Company?

I was hired to work in the Accounting Department under the Vice President of Finance in 1986. I worked in that position until 1989 where I then moved to work with the former president of Penn, Robert Blumenthal. After Blumenthal was named Chairman, I worked for several different presidents at Penn Emblem and I was eventually named Senior Executive Administrative Assistant to work with the Executive Staff.

What are your most proud accomplishments?

Some of my most proud accomplishments include my longevity with the company and being a team player. When I started at Penn, some of our team member at that time were 16 years old working part time while at Archbishop Ryan High School. Current president Randi Blumenthal-Joseph was working in the mailroom. I remember her each morning sorting the mail into mailboxes. Seeing all of these team member develop into the position they now hold with Penn has been an awesome experience.

I also pride myself on my ability to get the job done. I am someone that can be relied on to follow Penn Emblem’s Core Value Statement: “Do the Right Thing. Do Things Right.”

 What are the challenges of your current role at Penn Emblem Company, and how do you overcome them?

I now work on a part time basis, so the challenge is much simpler at this juncture; however, I have always used a little system that I refer to as PARR, (Prepare, Arrange, Revise, Refine) when working on projects.

My main challenge is keeping up with technology; I’m from the era of stenography and IBM Electric typewriters. I can imagine some of our team members saying, “What in the world is stenography?”.

What is your favorite part about working at Penn Emblem?

My favorite part about working at Penn Emblem Company is our Team Members. We support each other through the peaks and valleys. We care about one another and we are, as that old time favorite, Sister Sledge Group, sings “WE ARE FAMILY! ”

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I am truly appreciative of the opportunities presented to me at Penn Emblem. When I came here in ’86, I had been a stay at home Mom for 18 years. I wanted to change jobs every two years and do a variety of work, and then I came to Penn. It’s now 2017 and I am still here. I have no regrets. I am thankful to the Blumenthal Family for all of the good years I have spent with the company.

Penn Emblem Company is the leading provider of emblems, labels, transfers and various other decoration solutions. Start your career by checking out our career page for opportunities to join the Penn Emblem Company team.

5 Ways to Support Schools with Sublimation

As the new school year starts, schools need ways to show off their brand. Students love to find ways to show off pride for their school whether that’s wearing school colors or showing off their school’s mascot. Sublimated promotional items go hand-in-hand with school marketing.

Expand your business to the school market with sublimation.


Who doesn’t want to show off their school colors? Sublimated apparel allows students to show their school spirit. Customized apparel is also needed by school organizations, sports teams, sororities and fraternities. Because designs are printed in full color and fused into the fabric of the garment, they will not crack or fade like other traditional methods. There are many sublimatable garments including hoodies, crew neck sweaters and t-shirts.


Rally Towels

Cardboard signs are a thing of the past. Students, parents, and teachers can show their support in the stands during sports games with customizable rally towels. These soft towels can be used as an inexpensive giveaway at sporting events and pep rallies.





Keychains allow students to carry their school spirit around with them. Customized keychains with school logos or colors make great giveaways or contest prizes. Because they are so inexpensive, they can also be used as items for fundraisers. With the clean and professional look of sublimation, the perceived value of these keychains is much higher so they can be sold for an easy profit.




If anyone loves coffee its students during their academic year. What better way for students to carry their hot drinks than with mugs or travel mugs branded with school logos and designs? These mugs will be successful in any school store or fundraiser with vivid photo reproduction and full customization capabilities.




School magnets are a fashion statement for refrigerators everywhere. Not only can personalized school magnets be gifts for parents to decorate their kitchens, but students can also proudly display them in their lockers at school. Magnets come in a variety of unique shapes and sizes, so the design capabilities are limitless.



Everything you need to get started is available from ImprintsUSA, your one-stop-shop for blank imprintables and sublimation systems. Order your blank imprintables and sublimation systems from www.ImprintsUSA.com, a subsidiary of Penn Emblem Company. Email Lynne Kaplan, the sublimation expert for any questions or inquiries on how to be successful with sublimation.

Penn People – David Braun


David Braun, Western Division Sales and Service Director, has played a significant role at Penn Emblem Company for 10 years, bringing a plethora of valuable expertise to Penn Emblem every day. We interviewed Dave Braun as part of our Penn People series, showcasing the many diverse employees that make up the Penn Emblem Family.

What positions have you held here at Penn Emblem?

I have held the position of Western Division Sales and Service Director.

What are your most proud accomplishments?

In 2012 I received the Penn Annual Employee Award.

What are the challenges of your current role, and how do you overcome them?

The competition on a daily basis trying to take our business away and keep us out of their customers is truly the biggest challenge of my role.  I differentiate myself from the competition by pointing out the features and benefits of buying and being serviced by Penn.  For instance, consolidated shipments to save on freight as well as Manufacturing in Mexico to save on emblem purchases and quick turn times.

 What is your favorite part about working at Penn Emblem?

My favorite part of working for Penn is that I don’t feel as though I work for a company, I feel that I work for a FAMILY.

Penn Emblem Company is the leading provider of emblems, labels, transfers and various other decoration solutions. Start your career by checking out our career page for opportunities to join the Penn Emblem Company team.

5 Fall Fashion Trends You Can Embellish

With Fall right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about the upcoming trends for your brand. Whether you are a fashion brand or uniform decorator, these trends can be integrated with your apparel to make sure that your business is on-trend for the coming season.


Appearing all over the runways in New York, red is the power color for Fall and Winter 2017. Red is a bold color and can draw a lot of attention to apparel. Consider red when choosing garments for your brand. If too much red doesn’t fit your business, add a pop of color to a garment with patches and embellishments. Because patches are fully customizable, you can choose shades of red that match your company.



Vintage Inspired

Vintage apparel and patterns have come back for 2017. Darker and more subdued florals add vintage vibes to clothing and are easy to recreate. Heat Transfers, Sublimated Patches and PennFlock™ patches are all printed with full photo reproduction, recreating images in a clean and professional manner. Interested in something a little more classic? Embroidered Patches have been around for years and can be created with vintage colors, fonts and images.



Your clothes can stand out with glitter patches. Embroidered Patches can be made with glitter fabric and threads, boosting the perceived value of the patch. Glitter always makes a statement!




Clothing with Quotes

What better way to say what you want than with clothing quotes? Light weight, full color Heat Transfers and Direct-to-Garment Screen Printing make it easy to embellish t-shirts with quotes and sayings while still maintaining the comfort of the garment. For more heavy-duty apparel such as jackets and denim, Woven and Embroidered Patches can make quotes and sayings really come to life with bright and vivid colors.



Denim will always be a fashion classic, so why not spice it up with your original brand style? Patches can easily be applied to denim. Add your logo or artwork to your denim apparel to show off your brand’s personality. Adding patches to denim makes that piece fun, youthful and adventurous.



How to Bring Uniforms into the 21st Century with Embellishment

What’s in style is ever-changing, making it important to stay on top of the trends so your brand doesn’t get left behind. Uniforms are often one of the first things people see when meeting employees or walking into a business. It’s crucial to ensure that garments allow your employees to look and feel their best. Uniform embellishment with new and innovative decoration solutions can easily provide a modern and updated feel to your brand, all while maintaining the brand image.

Add Sparkle

Adding a little bit of glitter to your brand’s embellishments can add an on-trend touch to any design or logo. Using gold or silver glitter can increase a garment’s perceived value, attributing positively to a brand’s reputation and trust. Glitter can also be utilized in hospitality and retail professions to catch the eye of potential customers.


Combine Products for Something New

Emblems are fully customizable; which means there are limitless opportunities to create unique decoration for your uniforms. Double the protection for transportation and road workers by combining a High-Visibility product with reflective threads. You can make a plain appliqué pop with some puff embroidery. Almost any emblem technique can be combined or altered to fit your brand’s needs. Penn Combination patches allow for unlimited ways to make sure your brand is on trend.


Get a Sublimation Station

With its colorful and vivid full photo reproduction, sublimation can bring brands to the next level. These emblems can be an alternative to traditional appliqués, as they can be hand cut to any shape or size. Sublimation will print your photos in full detail, making sure complex logos or designs are captured on the emblem. With a sublimation printer, a heat press, and blank emblems, you can make emblems in-house for new hire name badges on demand.  Sublimated Emblems are durable and will not crack or fade under harsh working conditions.


Penn Emblem Company is the leading provider of emblems, labels, transfers and various other decoration solutions. Find out how to start decorating your brand today by contacting our Customer Support Team by clicking here.

Penn Emblem and ImprintsUSA Supporting Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund

Penn Emblem Company and ImprintsUSA are holding a fundraiser to raise money for the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund.

All proceeds from the sale of Texas Stock Flag patches will be donated to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund, bringing support to those affected. Penn Emblem’s core values are “Do the Right Thing. Do Things Right,” which are ideals expected to be upheld by every process and employee within the company. Our Texas Patches allow you to proudly show your support and give back to a good cause.

Penn Emblem has provided many companies and organizations with high quality, innovative decoration solutions for three generations, and continues to uphold its products and employees to the highest standards every day.

Customers can support Hurricane Harvey relief by visiting the ImprintsUSA website, here or by contacting the Penn Emblem Company Customer Service Team through phone 800-793-7366 or email ssales@pennemblem.com. These patches have a low-melt backing and are home launderable only.


Contact Us

Penn Emblem Mira Loma Facility Accepted into Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (C-TPAT) Program

Penn Emblem’s Mira Loma Facility has been accepted into the Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism C-TPAT Program.

This certified partnership is a voluntary supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and focuses on improving the security of private companies’ supply chains with respect to terrorism. Penn Emblem Company’s Mira Loma facility is proud to join over 11,400 certified partners across the trade community to work together to play an active role in alleviating risk.

Companies who achieve C-TPAT certification have processes that lessen risk throughout their international supply chains. This allows for expedited cargo and fewer Customs examinations.

“Do the Right Thing. Do Things Right.” Have been the core values of Penn Emblem Company for 70 years and will continue to be implemented across every process and employee moving forward. Penn Emblem’s Mexico Location has been a part of the C-TPAT program for 10 years and has also successfully completed their 2017 verification.

To learn more about Penn Emblem Company’s partnerships, check out our website here.

How to Get Inspired for Fall with Sublimation

Now that Fall is in full swing, you can inspire your customers with sublimation. Sublimation makes it easy to fully customize a variety of unique products designed specifically to your customer’s needs. These are our favorite products to get into the Fall spirit.

Bag Tags

Blank Bag Tags can easily be customized with names, streets and phone numbers, increasing the perceived value of the item. These bag tags make it easy to spot luggage in busy airports, and provide your customer’s information printed professionally on the tag so that it’ll never get lost. Bag tags work well for duffel bags too, include your customer’s team logo for an added personal touch.



Keychains are easy giveaway items for parties, awareness walks and family gatherings. With sublimation, designs are printed in photo quality color and will not chip or fade with use. Sublimate your customer’s family photos, event logos and creative designs for a simple and inexpensive giveaway option that will commemorate their event or business.


Photo Stands

Customers can permanently sublimate their family photos and artwork directly onto blank Photo Stands to use as home decor or a desk ornament.




Blank coasters are versatile all year long and can be designed for a variety of different holidays, seasons and events. Blank Coasters can be decorated with Fall themed artwork and photographs to add a little bit of Autumn aesthetic to events, parties, or even just the home.


Everything you need to get started is available from ImprintsUSA, your one-stop-shop for blank imprintables and sublimation systems. Order your blank imprintables and sublimation systems from www.ImprintsUSA.com, a subsidiary of Penn Emblem Company. Email Lynne Kaplan, the sublimation expert, for any questions or inquiries on how to be successful with sublimation. 

Top 5 Halloween Sublimation Ideas

Turn a profit this Halloween. Sublimation makes it scary easy to transition into Halloween month. Sublimatable blanks allow your business to print intricate designs and artwork onto a variety of promotional products, making it easy to cater to your customer’s Halloween needs. Below are our favorite Halloween sublimation ideas!

Sublimatable Apparel

Many Apparel items can be fully sublimated in full photo-color, making it easy to print full color designs. Customers can customize apparel and accessories such as t-shirts, hoodies, hats, socks and bags with their original Halloween designs and logos. These items make great giveaways at events and parties, and can even be sold as a fundraising item as well for school’s and organizations.



Drinkwear is both a practical and decorative Mugs are a classic sublimation staple and one of the most popular products to sublimate. Quirky and colorful designs can be printed onto mugs to celebrate the season, and make great promotional items for brands and organizations to commemorate an event or holiday.



Customers can protect their tables and add a spooky touch to their homes with custom Coasters. Much like other imprintables, these coasters can be printed in full photo-realistic color, so photographs and artwork will not lose any detailing. Coasters can also be used as favors at a Halloween party, and customized to fit the party’s aesthetic.


Halloween Sublimation Photo Frame

Photo Frames

Customers can personalize photo frames with images and Halloween themes to commemorate their holiday. Photo 
Frames come in a variety of different styles and sizes, so
that they’ll fit whatever photograph they need.





Ornaments are not only for Christmas time. They make great commemorative home decorations or can even be used as accessories on bags. Personalize them with names and dates to give them an individual touch.



Everything you need to get started is available from ImprintsUSA, your one-stop-shop for blank imprintables and sublimation systems. Get 5% off of blank sublimatable T-Shirts for the entire month of October!

Everything you need to get started is available from ImprintsUSA, your one-stop-shop for blank imprintables and sublimation systems. Order your blank imprintables and sublimation systems from www.ImprintsUSA.com, a subsidiary of Penn Emblem Company. Email Lynne Kaplan, the sublimation expert, for any questions or inquiries on how to be successful with sublimation.

What is the difference between Embroidered Patches and Woven Patches?

Penn Emblem Company offers a wide variety of fully customizable patch products that can be tailored to fit any brand or company. Each patch product has properties that make them suitable for specific decoration purposes. PennWeave® Woven patches and Custom Embroidered patches are two popular embellishment choices, both with unique characteristics that make them great for decorating your brand.

Benefits of Embroidered Patches
  • Gives a classic and professional embellishment look
  • Embroidered patches are very durable and will last as long as your garments
  • Bright, vivid, lustrous colors
  • Ideal for simple designs, solid colors, and larger lettering
  • Gives designs a 3D lift
Embroidered Patch Specifications
  • Minimum patch size is 1.0″ x 1.75″ (2.5cm x 4.4cm)
  • Maximum patch size is 13.0: x 17.5″ (33.0cm x 44.5cm)
  • Minimum design lettering dimensions are 3/16″
  • Four backing options: Industrial, Low-melt glue, Velcro®, and Pressure Sensitive Stick on
  • Made with 100% Polyester Twill fabric and 100% polyester embroidery thread
  • Minimum order quantity is 50 pieces
Benefits of Woven Patches
  • The thinner thread and tighter weave captures fine detail, gradients and small lettering with an embroidery-like texture
  • Design elements can be reproduced exactly
  • Woven patches are flexible which provides additional comfort
  • Provides a clean, flat appearance

Woven Patch Specifications
  • Minimum patch size is 1.0″ x 1.75″ (2.5cm x 4.4cm)
  • Maximum patch size is 13.0: x 17.5″ (33.0cm x 44.5cm)
  • Minimum text height is 0.08″
  • Four backing options: Industrial, Low-melt glue, Velcro®, and Pressure Sensitive Stick on
  • Maximum thread colors per design is 12 with 500 colors to choose from
  • Minimum order quantity is 50 pieces
































Embroidered Patch

Embroidered Appliqué

Embroidered Patch

Woven Appliqué

Woven Appliqué


Contact Us Today to Order!

Think Pink With Breast Cancer Awareness Headwear


Penn Emblem Company will be holding a month long fundraiser for the month of October to raise money  breast cancer awareness research for Fox Chase Cancer Research Center. Select Patch’s baseball caps come with a space to change patches with four patch options from Penn Emblem Company to choose from. Each hat will cost $15.49 and comes with the customer’s choice of a sublimated patch. Each additional patch is $4.50. 20% of the proceeds from all sales will be donated to the Fox Chase Cancer Research Center, where researchers initiate groundbreaking new programs for the prevention, detection, and treatment of Breast Cancer.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, bringing attention to the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. Penn Emblem is a woman owned business, feeling a social responsibility to give to an important cause.

Penn Emblem has provided many companies and organizations with high quality, innovative decoration solutions for three generations, and continues to uphold its products and employees to the highest standards every day.


Order your Breast Cancer Awareness Headwear from the ImprintsUSA website, click here.